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Let parameters

Let query writer is used for creating intermediate variables in query that, for exapmple, would be too complex or repeating otherwise.

This statement is particularly useful in combination with multi-statement executors - batch and transaction.

letValue(name: string, value: any)

Used to create let query writer with provided name and value.


Name should be a string containing only alphanumeric characters.


Value of variable could be anything. The final value that would be inserted into query is depending on the type on value as such:

  • if a raw query - the raw value;
  • if a query writer - the final query execution result;
  • if null - the string 'NONE';
  • if date - the ISO formatted string;
  • otherwise - the JSON value stringified.

Reserved names

You can not define variables with reserved names, but can access them in queries:

Variable nameValue
$authRepresents the currently authenticated scope user
$tokenRepresents values held inside the JWT token used for the current session
$ScopeRepresents the name of the scope of a currently authenticated scope user
$sessionRepresents values from the session functions as an object
$beforeRepresents the value before a mutation on a field
$afterRepresents the value after a mutation on a field
$valueRepresents the value after a mutation on a field (identical to $after in the case of an event)
$inputRepresents the initially inputted value in a field definition, as the value clause could have modified the $value variable
$parentRepresents the parent record in a subquery
$eventRepresents the type of table event triggered on an event

Helper functions

param(value: string)

Used to insert variable name into query, which would otherwise require the '$' symbol to prefix the name.

So, param('people') and '$people' are basically the same.


Those are 2 examples how let parameters can be used to factor up the logic of the query.

  1. Using letValue for query writer:
await cirql.transaction({
query: letValue('orgs', select('name').from('organisation'))
}, {
query: select()
.from('$orgs') // Note the '$' marking a variable
  1. Using letValue for raw value:
await ciqrl.transaction({
query: letValue('people', ['Alfred', 'Bob', 'John'])
}, {
query: select()
name: inside(param('people'))